The Sky Is Mirrcle

The Sky Is Miracle

 When I observed the sky, I am getting wonder. How the god created this sky. Really it's miracle. For humans need a balance. But sky needn't balanced.

A man told me, when you are watching the sky, then you get hope on your life. Yes, it is true. One day I tried to test this.

That day I disappointed about my career. My mind blanked. Thoughts are rotating in my mind.
I couldn't control them. While that time I went to balcony and sat on steps. Till 5 minutes I watched the sky. Slowly my mind moved from that situation. Again I involved in my work. When we listen positive words, it's good that time. But everytime....

I extremely existed about night moon. The night sky gives coolness. That moments can't describe in words. That's a great feeling to me. I think god gave sky as boon to human.

I strongly say, who are watching blue sky every day those will be living such a great hope. 

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